Eutanázia: Na čo myslieť, keď je váš pes vážne chorý

Eutanázia: Na čo myslieť, keď je váš pes vážne chorý

If your dog is severely ill, very old, or seriously injured, you may have to make the difficult decision of euthanasia. It is important to remember that if a dog is suffering and you and your veterinarian believe that it will not be able to restore a good quality of life, then euthanasia is the most humane and responsible choice.

Euthanasia, which means “good death” in ancient Greek, is usually done by injecting a large dose of barbiturates (an effective anesthetic) into the bloodstream. This causes REM sleep, loss of consciousness and then cardiac arrest, which usually takes less than a minute. Some veterinarians may come to you and euthanize your pet at home, but in most cases, euthanasia is done in a veterinary clinic.


Some owners choose to be present when their pet is euthanized. This gives them the opportunity to say goodbye. It is also an opportunity to soothe and comfort the dog and make sure that his last moments are filled with warmth and love.

However, some owners find it too difficult to be present during this procedure. This is also a perfectly acceptable choice. The veterinarian will give you the opportunity to be alone with your dog before they give it an injection. Veterinarians treat such situations with understanding and compassion and will make sure that the last minutes pass calmly.

A dog is a beloved member of your family, so it’s normal to feel deep sadness when it dies. How to deal with the death of a pet? Remember all the wonderful and positive times you spent together, and be sure that you did everything possible to love your dog, take care of him and make him happy until the very end.


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