Pes sedel na reťazi: ako to prispôsobiť?

Pes sedel na reťazi: ako to prispôsobiť?

Sometimes a person takes care of a dog with an unfortunate fate, for example, one that was sitting on a chain …

What to do if you got such a dog?

How to start working with a dog that was sitting on a chain?

First of all, it is worth realizing that life on a chain is fundamentally different from the ideas of animal welfare. And this could not but affect the condition of the dog. So you will most likely have to make an effort to adapt such a dog.

The main components of working with a former chain dog are as follows:

  1. Check your health. Chain content is distress for any dog. So, it is likely that she has health problems.
  2. Providing a comfortable life for the dog. The five freedoms are the bare minimum for which you, as the owner, are responsible.
  3. Exercise with the dog, use games to establish contact.
  4. If the dog avoids and is afraid of being touched, tactile contact can be used very carefully, preferably at the initiative of the dog.
  5. If the dog allows you to sit next to him and lightly pet him, you can start using Ttouch massage.

What to do if the dog that was sitting on the chain is afraid of people?

  • Presvedčte psa, že človek je zdrojom radosti: hry, maškrty, príjemná komunikácia.
  • Podporovať prejavy iniciatívy voči človeku, vrátane žobrania. Môžete si ľahnúť na zem a schovať dobroty do oblečenia.
  • Naučte svojho psa dotýkať sa vás nosom alebo labkami, dávať labky na povel.
  • Naučte psa príkazy, vďaka ktorým nad ním človek „visí“: „Had“, „Dom“, „Volt“.

What if a former chain dog is afraid of other dogs?

  • Pracujte s odstupom a podnecujte správne správanie psa (napríklad signály zmierenia).
  • Naučte svojho psa alternatívne správanie, keď vidí iných psov.
  • Budujte pozitívne skúsenosti s rovesníkmi.

What to do if the dog that was sitting on the chain is unclean?

Nácvik čistoty závisí od dôvodu, prečo pes necháva doma kaluže a kopy, a takých dôvodov je veľa. Čo robiť, aby sme naučili dysfunkčného psa chodiť na záchod na ulici?

  • V prvom rade skontrolujte svoj zdravotný stav.
  • Nastavte režim dňa.
  • Odstráňte vnútorné pachy.
  • Chváľte svojho psa, keď sa vonku vymočí.

How else can you help a former chain dog?

Any dog, including this one, needs to be handled. What kind of activities to offer such a pet?

  1. Vyhľadávacie hry.
  2. Trikový tréning.
  3. Teaching the right commands with positive reinforcement.

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